Code of Conduct for Swimmers

Designed by the Swimmers during Respect Me Training – 25/10/23

A Good Quality Swimmer

Should Be…

  • Kind
  • Nice
  • Friendly
  • Caring
  • Respectful
  • Humble
  • Considerate of Others
  • Trustworthy
  • Supportive
  • Reliable
  • A Good Team Mate
  • A Good Sports Person
  • Doing the Right Thing
  • Hard Working
  • Competitive
  • Proud of Their Team Mates Achievements
  • Be Listened To
  • Listen to Others, including Coach
  • Good Behaviour

Should Not Be…

  • Disrespectful
  • Rude
  • Mean
  • Saying Mean Things
  • Offend Others
  • Selfish
  • A Bully
  • Talk Behind Others Back
  • Egoistical
  • Over-confident
  • Too Cocky
  • Controlling In the Lane and to Others
  • Sprinting Warm Ups
  • Touching Feet in Training
  • Missing Training Sets
  • Breaking Rules of Club

A full copy of the swimmers code of conduct from the meeting can be downloaded by clicking this button:

Download Code of Conduct

Our President Duncan Simpson added these words:

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