A Relay Kind Gesture

The club’s rising standing in swimming brings with it greater costs. One example of that is the club is now able to participate in relay events from the youngest levels to the very highest standard of competition, often with multiple teams. The club has always paid for relay events from the club’s own coffers, on the basis that swimmers taking part in relays are representing the club. However, the greater level of participation combined with rising costs and the pressures on club finances has meant that the Executive Committee has had to consider reviewing this position.
That was the case at least until this week when the Smith family came to the rescue! Many of our parents will know Lesley and Tam Smith because they regularly support the club at galas and events. While naturally their grandson Brogan Smith has been the focus of their attention as he develops into one of our top swimmers, they always support all of our swimmers and cheer them on. Now they have gone one better by providing a very generous donation of £500 to ensure that all our relay events during the next twelve months will be covered.

It is a fantastic gesture by two of the nicest people you could ever meet on a swimming balcony! From everyone at the club, and on behalf of all those swimmers who can now participate in exciting relay events, we’d just like to say a huge thank you!!